
World Doula Week 2022

March 22nd - 28th

By Loreale Mckinley March 21, 2022

In my opinion, one of the most rewarding jobs you can have is being a mother. A mother wears so many different hats and is so many things to everybody. A mom is a nurse when the kids are sick. A cheerleader when our kids want to play a new sport. Moms are chefs after a long day of work. And a mom is there for her kids when they are going through their most challenging times. In so many ways, moms and doulas are so much alike. Like mothers, doulas are selfless, extraordinary, compassionate, caring individuals that help moms in their journey to motherhood. A Doula is a non-medical professional who provides physical, emotional, and informational support to a mother before, during, and after childbirth.


On March 22nd, join me in celebrating  World Doula Day. It's a day where all doulas should feel appreciated and empowered for all they do. I thought it was only right to highlight an exceptional doula agency here in Grand Rapids. I was so fortunate to have the opportunity to speak with Kristin Revere, Co-Owner of Gold Coast Doulas, so she could tell us more about their company and educate us on doulas.  

Who is Gold Coast Doulas?

Gold Coast Doulas is a one-stop-shop agency. At Gold Coast, you can work with your traditional birth doula as well as bed rest doulas, postpartum and infant care doulas, sleep consultants, and lactation/breastfeeding support. They also offer a variety of classes for expecting and new moms. Gold Coast Doulas are a luxury that you can't put a price tag on. They have a variety of trained doulas that can serve families from conception to the first year of life. 

Why should someone hire a doula?

Giving birth is a joyous occasion but it can also be a time of uncertainty, overwhelming, and a little scary. When you have a doula on your birth team, you get someone that is there for you during your entire birthing process. Many times moms do not take into consideration that you will not have the same nurse throughout labor. It's nice to have a professionally trained doula throughout the process that you know and is not overwhelmed with multiple laboring mothers. Doulas are non-judgemental. They aren't biased and support your hopes and plans for your birth and are there solely to care for and support mom when everyone is tending to the baby. 

Another perk is referrals. Doulas know all the specialists in the area and have a ton of resources for expecting and new moms that many times we don't know we need until we need them. Research also shows that mothers who have doulas have better birthing outcomes (lower rates of c-sections, decrease in maternal mortality rate amongst women of color, etc.).

During the pandemic, many moms chose to have home births. Moms chose this route due to fear of having to birth without their partners and exposure to covid to name a few reasons. While home births increased, homes births are not for everyone. Kristin gave some great advice on preparing for a home birth if the option is right and safe for you. 

You need to develop a great birthing team

1. Consider your personality. This is the key to finding the right doula. 

2. Consider the size of your home because some midwives come with large teams

3. How will your partner support you

Doulas are a great asset to the birthing community.  Because like mom, they have one of the most important and rewarding jobs. A doula works as a team with nurses to care for and emotionally support.. They are like cheerleaders as they cheer mom to the finish line. They are on call 24/7 in addition to caring for their own families. And they give moms the best of themselves so they can feel safe and empowered through one of the most challenging and life-changing times. If you know a doula, do something to make them feel empowered and appreciated.

If you are an expecting mom or know an expecting mom that is interested in working with a doula, you can contact Kristin and her team by clicking the link HERE