
Coffee Shops in Grand Rapids

By Loreale M. February 21, 2022

We are less than a month away from the first day of spring! Yay!! But in Grand Rapids, we know that doesn't necessarily mean we will start to see warmer temps. And we have had some chilly days in Grand Rapids over the last couple of weeks. On a chilly day, my go-to for relaxation and warmth is COFFEE! I mean who doesn't love a fresh cup of coffee. So many times I find myself running to Starbucks or Bigby but, it's nice to try local shops in Grand Rapids sometimes. I know that is like a curse word. Many people find their favorite brands and flavors and they become married to the brand. But I encourage you to try something new now and then. Below are 5 local coffee shops to try.

Happy Cat Cafe

447 S Division Ave 

Grand Rapids, MI 49503


If you are a cay lover, Happy Cat Cafe is the place to be. It also sounds like a great place to let your cat-loving kiddos love on some cats while you get a moment to indulge in a hot cup of coffee.

Squibb Coffee and Wine Bar

955 Wealthy SE 

Grand Rapids, MI


Moms' are you in need of a girl's night out? Leave the kids at home with dad or grandma/grandpa and call your girlfriends. I stumbled upon this Squibb's recently. When I saw coffee and wine, I thought I have hit the jackpot. Squibb Coffee and Wine Bar sounds like a win-win for everyone. Just about everyone loves coffee and/or wine. How could this not be a great venue with a little something for everybody?

Bitter End Coffee House

752 West Fulton

Grand Rapids, MI


Bitter End Coffee House may not be the place for you but, if you have a college student or know one, this may be a great hangout spot for them. Pass on the information, please. Bitter End is a 24-hour shop and, I've heard it can be a great study spot.

Sparrows Coffee

1045 Wealthy Street SE

Grand Rapids, MI


What drew my attention to Sparrow was the Joven Coffee tab on their home page. A 14-year-old Grand Rapids native launched Jovan coffee with the hopes of spreading awareness to young people about the coffee farming industry. So inspiring to see our youth involved in something positive and important.

Ferris Coffee & Nut

839 Seward Ave NW

Grand Rapids, MI


Ferris Coffee & Nut is a popular and well-known coffee shop. I'm sure we've all had a cup of their coffee before but always a good recommendation for newbies.

While this was just a small list of local coffee shops, I hope it encourages you to try out a local coffee shop. I love the popular chain coffee shops just as much as the next person but, it's always good to put money back into our communities and neighbors.